Sunday, June 17, 2007

The Real Heroes of India

I was talking with some of my friends in IISc today evening. We started talking about The Great Chatrapati Shivaji (pronounced chatrapati shivAji). I can't believe that one of the guys talking to me doubted the greatness of chatrapati shivAji. He, I found out, respects the new shivAji (the boss) rajnikAnt. I really don't understand this. People in India, today, are forgetting real heroes like chatrapati shivAji and going behind some cheap filmstars. I think if we keep going this way there is no way our country is going to improve. We really have to rewrite our history textbooks and make the youth not just respect but idolize the Real Heroes of India like svAmi vivekAnandA, chatrapati shivAji etc. I don't understand how can one even question the greatness of someone like shivAji who was an ardent disciple of samartha rAmadAs and tukArAm. I think there are two levels of people - one who can be classified as Heroes and the others who inspired these heroes to be great. Its not in the capabilities of mere mortals to rate people in the latter class.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Taj Mahal Anthem

I think when one doesn't understand something one shouldn't really talk about it. What can one possibly understand about rAdhAkRSNa prema BAvam? Comparing it with something/anything else really hurts me. Anyway this is not the first time its happening. There are other songs in popular movies like lagAn where this is done. I'm not against freedom of expression but I think it is far from human to use it in a manner which hurts a whole community's feelings.